Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Poverty - Social Issue

Poverty is another worldwide social issue. Poverty is a state of being poor with lack of finances. A poor people is treated very badly in the society, making them feel so bad and humiliated suppose they do not have any right to live. Even the government and government officials do not support or help them to overcome from this situation.
Poverty is also a major cause for various other social issues. It increases crime-rate, poverty also forces poor families to get their children work which increases 'child-labour'. To fight against poverty, government needs to take several steps, provide some employment opportunities for poor families, and basic education. But condition of poverty can not be minimized just by providing these opportunities, even the families needs to understand their problem and needs to save money, stop spending money on bad-habits and grasp all the opportunities coming their way.

Below are some of the links providing more information on poverty:
Poverty on HubPages by Russell Mae
Poverty Around The World on GlobalIssues by Anup Shah
Men May Change the Face of Poverty in America on Suite101 by PD Casteel
How We Can End Global Hunger and Poverty on HeartsAndMinds

Monday, October 26, 2009

Child Labour - A Worldwide Social Issue

Child Labour is the most sad and unfortunate social issue that whole world is facing. Issue of Child Labour is most common in developing and under-developed countries, but found even in developed nations, though rate is quite less. There are various causes that lead to Child Labor, especially poverty and lack of knowledge/education among poor families.

Find links of various articles and resources on 'Child Labour' to help understand this issue:

Child Labour - Causes and Effects on HubPages by Anuj Agarwal
Child Labor and Sweatshops on enotes
Child Labour in Pakistan on HubPages by nelsonali
Child Labour Still Exist on HubPages by Sukritha
The Worst Forms of Child Labour in Asia on CoolAvenues by Sona Sahu
Why Child Labour should be banned on TheInfoMine by Anuj Agarwal
Story of a Street Child on HubPages by saleheensblog

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Welcome to the Social and Economical Links Blog

Welcome to the blog. Here you will find useful and important links of various social and economical issues. There are various issues worldwide and everyone of us is not aware of what is happening in other parts of the world. Sometimes, you are not familiar with the causes or effects of any issue. From this blog, you will be able to know various social and economical issues that the world is facing.

It is a request to the users, to kindly add a link of any useful resource which describes any social or economical issue in the comments section.