Monday, October 26, 2009

Child Labour - A Worldwide Social Issue

Child Labour is the most sad and unfortunate social issue that whole world is facing. Issue of Child Labour is most common in developing and under-developed countries, but found even in developed nations, though rate is quite less. There are various causes that lead to Child Labor, especially poverty and lack of knowledge/education among poor families.

Find links of various articles and resources on 'Child Labour' to help understand this issue:

Child Labour - Causes and Effects on HubPages by Anuj Agarwal
Child Labor and Sweatshops on enotes
Child Labour in Pakistan on HubPages by nelsonali
Child Labour Still Exist on HubPages by Sukritha
The Worst Forms of Child Labour in Asia on CoolAvenues by Sona Sahu
Why Child Labour should be banned on TheInfoMine by Anuj Agarwal
Story of a Street Child on HubPages by saleheensblog

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